Ombri Fine Arts

~  Angelo Basso Sculpture ~


Angelo Basso was born in 1943, in Rimini, on the Adriatic Coast of Italy. Self taught, he started scultping at a young age, revealing immediately a distinctive style and talent. What makes Basso's work compelling is the artistry with which he creates the fluid movement of his figures and the complete technical mastery he employs in the execution of his sculptures.

Basso has received coveted prizes for his work. Among the commissions received are a bas-relief of Christ at the Church of Ressurection, in Mantova, Italy in 1984. A life-size sculpture of Padre Pio has been unveiled in 2002 in Reggio Emilia, Italy.  In the Baroque tradition of his country, Basso has brought to contemporary figurative sculpture an important contribution. His work has been exhibited worldwide.


Prizes and Commissions

Selected Exhibitions

Creating Bronze Sculpture

Creating Acrylic Sculpture

Ombri Fine Arts exclusive U.S. and International agent and publisher of Angelo Basso's acrylic and bronze sculpture collections

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