Ombri Fine Arts

~  Angelo Basso Sculpture ~

Prizes and Commissions

Angelo Basso

Erte, Angelo Basso, Liz Taylor


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Gondola d'Oro, Venezia

Cardinal Antonio Samore, Bardi, Italy - Portrait Bust


Maternity on a Throne - sculpture presented to Pope John Paul IIl

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Stella d'Europa Prize

Premio Giotto

1984 - 1991

Cardinal Antonio Samore, Bardi, Italy - Chimney Mural, commemorative coin, guest register bas-relief


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Liza Minelli - presented with sculpture of her character in Cabaret


Church of Resurrection, Mantova, Italy - bas relief of Christ


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Life-size sculpture of Padre Pio - work in progress

2002   Life Size sculpture of Padre Pio, Reggio Emilia, Italy - finished


Prizes and Commissions

Selected Exhibitions

Creating Bronze Sculpture

Creating Acrylic Sculpture

Ombri Fine Arts exclusive U.S. and International agent and publisher of Angelo Basso’s acrylic and bronze sculpture collections
